The areas outside our buildings provide tenants and users with open spaces and places to meet; these spaces help them relax, are beneficial to their well-being and establish an identity. Not only that, but richly varied green spaces encourage biological diversity.

Natural spaces account for 57 percent of the overall portfolio.

High-quality beds of perennials, a mix of different elements including urban and residential gardens, a neighbourhood park and bodies of water are visible signs of our strategy on the Suurstoffi site.

As part of the planning process for the further development of the Metalli Living Space, we are collaborating with the planners to come up with measures that help us make the site even greener.

Action fields


When planning new outdoor spaces, we are mindful of measures that promote biodiversity.


We strive to manage all outdoor areas in a way that promotes biodiversity.

Invasive plant species

Invasive plant species are not desired on Zug Estates sites and are removed on a regular basis. Native plants are used whenever possible and in suitable locations.

Taken as a whole, the Suurstoffi site is a unique work of art

Another portion of the property was recognised for its natural exterior landscaping with a label from the Stiftung Natur & Wirtschaft (Nature & Economy Foundation) in late December 2020. This step now also marks the certification of the entire Suurstoffi site. Reto Locher explains what makes the Suurstoffi habitat so unique.

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Stärkung des Aussenraumkonzepts

In den letzten Monaten wurden in der Suurstoffi unterschiedliche Massnahmen umgesetzt, um die Aufenthalts- und Aussenraumqualität weiter zu stärken, die Biodiversität zu fördern und den Betrieb des Areals nachhaltiger zu gestalten.


Jonas Frei - Landschaftsgärtner und Stadtökologe

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Die Suurstoffi ist ein einmaliges Gesamtkunstwerk

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