Zug Estates Holding AG is committed to the principles of good corporate governance. This is shown by its efficient management structure, extensive control mechanisms and tranparent information policy.


Board of Directors

The board of directors of Zug Estates Holding AG comprises Dr. Beat Schwab (chairman), Prof. Annelies Häcki Buhofer, Johannes Stöckli, Martin Wipfli and Dr. Joëlle Zimmerli. The members of the board of directors are elected for a term of one year, i.e. until the next ordinary general meeting of Zug Estates Holding AG.

Decisions are made by the entire board of directors with the assistance of the following two committees:

  • Nomination and compensation committee: Johannes Stöckli (chairman) and Prof. Dr. Annelies Häcki Buhofer
  • Audit committee: Martin Wipfli (chairman), Johannes Stöckli and Dr. Joëlle Zimmerli
Group Management

The management team of Zug Estates Holding AG comprises Patrik Stillhart (Chief Executive Officer) and Mirko Käppeli (Chief Financial Officer).


Ernst & Young AG, Zug

Independent proxy

Blum & Partner AG, Zug

Business ethics

Zug Estates attaches great importance to sustainability in all aspects of its operations and embraces the principles of good corporate governance. Based on the Code of Conduct, the principles of responsible corporate governance are communicated to employees, with the ethically correct conduct of all employees taking top priority. This code of conduct applies to all the members of the boards of directors and management boards and to the employees of all Group companies. The management boards of the subsidiaries shall ensure that all employees familiarize themselves with this code of conduct. We expect our business partners to embrace the same ethical principles, actively advocate responsible action and make a commitment toward fair, respectful, compliant conduct within the Group and toward all our stakeholder groups.

Whistleblowing reporting office

ENQUIRE Rechtsanwälte AG, an external whistleblowing reporting office, is available to Zug Estates Group employees and to suppliers and third parties. It ensures that the person submitting the notification remains anonymous to Zug Estates. ENQUIRE reports to Group management on request. The Board of Directors is consulted if there is any suspicion that Group management is involved. ENQUIRE is mandated to clarify the circumstances of the notifications and can be asked to participate in enquiries.



Today, the 12th General Meeting of Shareholders of Zug Estates Holding Ltd was held at the Theater Casino Zug, attended by 214 shareholders. A total of 80.2% of the voting share capital was represented. The shareholders approved all proposals of the Board of Directors.

The General Meeting of Shareholders decided to distribute a total of CHF 22.4 million to shareholders for the 2023 financial year. The ordinary gross dividend (subject to withholding tax) is CHF 4.40 per series A registered share and CHF 44.00 per series B registered share. After payment of Swiss withholding tax of 35%, this results in a net dividend of CHF 2.86 per series A registered share and CHF 28.60 per series B registered share. Payment of the net dividend will take place as of Monday, 15 April 2024 (payment date).

All members of the Board of Directors standing for re-election were confirmed for a further term of one year. Beat Schwab was also re-elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Johannes Stöckli and Annelies Häcki Buhofer were re-elected to the Nomination and Compensation Committee. In a consultative vote, the General Meeting of Shareholders expressed its agreement with the remuneration report and approved the remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors and Group management. The shareholders elected KPMG Ltd, Zug, as the auditors for the 2024 financial year for the first time.

Next General Meeting of Shareholders:


10 April 2025


Theater Casino Zug
Artherstr. 2-4
CH-6300 Zug

Your contact

Philipp Hodel

Head of Corporate Communication

+41 41 729 10 36

Zug Estates AG

Baarerstrasse 18

CH-6300 Zug

Share register

The entry in the share register of Zug Estates Holding AG is the legal requirement for shareholders to be able to exercise their participatory rights at the annual general meeting.

Please contact your custodian bank to have your shares entered. You can contact our share register directly in case of name or address changes.

Devigus Engineering AG

Birkenstrasse 47, CH-6343 Rotkreuz

+41 41 798 48 48

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