More prudent and efficient use of a valuable resource


Zug Estates manages its water use prudently. In the case of drinking water, this includes both direct consumption within the company’s own business segments (real estate and hotels & catering) as well as tenants’ indirect consumption. The sustainable use of drinking water is factored into considerations throughout the construction planning phase and the company’s property management.

630 litres of water are consumed per square metre of rental space per year.


Drinking water consumption

We strive to reduce drinking water consumption on an ongoing basis.

Surface water

To minimise surface runoff, we intend to have all newly planned outdoor spaces landscaped in compliance with the minimum requirements set out by the Stiftung Natur & Wirtschaft (Nature & Economy Foundation). Existing spaces are to be renaturalised wherever possible.


We prevent pollution and contamination of all kinds.

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Wege und Ansätze zur CO2-Neutralität stehen am diesjährigen Nachhaltigkeitsforum der Zug Estates im Vordergrund.


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