People are interested in trying out new mobility and vehicle-sharing services. But they need to see a compelling service before they can be convinced to leave their car behind. This was demonstrated by the “Seamlessly Mobile” pilot project on the Suurstoffi site in Risch-Rotkreuz.

PostAuto AG

15. February 2023

Over the last two years, the Suurstoffi site in Risch-Rotkreuz has served as a testing ground for a new mobility service. “What would it take for people living in a residential area to leave their cars behind and use shared forms of mobility instead?” was the core question of the pilot project. Residents were able to test various mobility services bundled into a single combined subscription. Vehicles were available both on and off the Suurstoffi site, as was public transport. Subscriptions with sharing services for cars, e-bikes and cargo bikes as well as a public transport credit offered attractive conditions.

Shared mobility sparks interest

Many residents were open to the project and used the vehicles available on an individual basis, but they were reluctant to take out a combined subscription. Over the full duration of the project, 16 people subscribed, which was below expectations. The project was complicated by the fact that it took place during the pandemic, when both public transport and shared mobility suffered. However, the project partners gained the following interesting insights:

  • Mobility bundles, especially quotas, offer huge potential for reducing energy demand and carbon emissions in the transport sector. The effect is greater with a subscription that includes credit rather than with a “pay-as-you-go” model.
  • For residents to leave their cars behind and use shared mobility, incentives are required that appeal to them on both a rational and an emotional level, as well as mandatory framework conditions. This could be a reduction in the number of parking spaces, for example. The project showed that residents change behaviour towards public and shared mobility in their leisure time first and then when commuting to work.
  • Interest in shared mobility on the doorstep (e-cars, e-bikes and cargo bikes) was also sparked among car owners on the Suurstoffi site. However, residents mainly used those offers individually and were very reluctant to take out subscriptions.
  • Digitization and apps for customers play a central role in enabling them to enjoy more sustainable door-to-door experiences without using their own cars. Data transfer standards at a national level are an important prerequisite for this.
  • An app that bundles the various mobility services has to be more than just a resale platform. Customers need to be completely convinced before they will abandon the individual mobility apps they already use.

Joint project

“Seamlessly Mobile” was a joint pilot project by PostBus, Zug Estates, Mobility Cooperative and the TCS Mobility Academy (carvelo2go). The Federal Office of Transport (FOT) financially supported the project as part of the Swiss Confederation’s Energy Strategy for Public Transport 2050 (ESPT).

The project partners would like to thank the residents of the Suurstoffi site for their willingness to get involved in the project, to take advantage of the service and to participate in surveys.

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