Half-Year Report 2023
Half-Year Report 2023
Solid operating results in a challenging market environment
- Net income excluding revaluation and special effects up 7.4% to CHF 18.0 million (previous year: CHF 16.8 million)
- Increase in property income of 7.7% during first half of 2023
- Solid equity ratio of 54.0% (55.2% as at 31 December 2022)
- Portfolio value almost unchanged at CHF 1.83 billion thanks to acquisitions made
- Due to renovation work, the vacancy rate rose to 3.3% as at 30 June 2023 (1.6% as at
31 December 2022) - Greenhouse gas emissions were significantly below the sector average at 0.9 kg CO2eq per m2 of the energy reference area
CEO Statement Patrik Stillhart
Report in accordance with GRI standards
Zug Estates will publish its Sustainability Report in accordance with GRI standards at the same time as its Half-Year Report. Our sustainability strategy continues to revolve around the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Despite the 1 October 2022 acquisition of the Renggli portfolio, which still operates largely on fossil fuels, the Group’s greenhouse gas emissions of 0.9 kg per square metre of energy reference area (Scope 1 and 2) are at the same level as in the previous year, meaning that they are well below the industry average.