Together with representatives from local authorities and project partners, Zug Estates broke the ground for the new-build project S43/45 on the Suurstoffi site in Rotkreuz in Canton Zug.
Philipp Hodel
05. December 2024
Seit 2010 entwickelt Zug Estates das Suurstoffi-Areal in Rotkreuz. Das Areal hat sich zu einem vielfältigen Lebensraum entwickelt, in dem Wohnen, Arbeiten, Studieren und Freizeitaktivitäten eng miteinander verbunden sind. Mit dem Bau der letzten beiden Gebäude, Suurstoffi 43 und 45, sowie der zentralen Parkanlage schliesst Zug Estates die Arealentwicklung ab. Bis Mitte 2027 entstehen rund 14’400 m2 Büro- und Schulungsfläche sowie 1’100 m2 Wohnfläche für studentisches Wohnen.
Zug Estates has been developing the Suurstoffi site in Rotkreuz since 2010. The site has become a versatile living environment where people can live, work, study and engage in leisure activities. The construction of the final two buildings Suurstoffi 43 and 45 and the central park marks the conclusion of Zug Estates' development of the site. By mid-2027, around 14,400 m2 of office and education space and 1,100 m2 of student housing will be built.
In September 2024, Zug Estates signed a long-term lease agreement with “XUND Bildungszentrum Gesundheit Zentralschweiz”, for the Suurstoffi 45. In opening its new location, XUND is responding to the growing demand for practical and sought-after training in healthcare.

Picture (l-r): Patrik Stillhart, CEO, Zug Estates Holding Ltd; Stefan Graf, Partner, Bauart Architekten und Planer AG; Head of Cantonal Council Silvia Thalmann-Gut, Head of the Department of Economic Affairs of Canton Zug; Josef Widmer, President of XUND; Walter Figueiredo, Head of Civil Engineering Department, Schmid Bauunternehmung AG
Sustainable project development
The new development project by Zug Estates will blend seamlessly into the Suurstoffi site, both in terms of its architecture and from a sustainability standpoint. The site's existing, virtually emission-free energy system will be expanded to include a new geothermal probe. Thanks to a reduction in volume in the basement level and to the optimisation of the facades, building service systems and structural engineering, the building will feature a measurably lower grey energy component than similar properties. Highly efficient ventilation technology, solar panels on the roof and facade, and rainwater harvesting round out the sustainable new-build. Finally, the construction of the large central park will greatly improve the quality of the outdoor area and the attractiveness of the site.